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Sól og máni...



Máni og morgunsól. 

Í óendanleikanum, birtuna vefur

vonina vængjar og ljósið gefur.

Glitrandi máni og morgunsól,

samstillt mætast lífssins hjól.





Fann þessa fróðlegu lesningu hér fyrir neðan, á netinu...endilega að kíkja á... 



The cycles of the Moon and Sun closely relate to each other. The image above shows how the EIGHT seasonal Sabbats (holidays/holy days) relate to the EIGHT phases of the Moon.

The Moon represents the Goddess/Divine Feminine, and the Sun represents the God/Divine Masculine. Understanding how these forces dance with each other in the Cosmos can help us learn about our own cycles, rhythms, and internal Feminine/Masculine aspects as well.



The Winter Solstice is when the Sun’s power is at it’s weakest point. The day is short and the night is long. The New or Dark Moon is when the Moon’s power is at it’s lowest point. In both cases, this is a time when it seems that the outer world disappears and the inner world comes into focus. It’s a time of reflection and contemplation, rather than action.


The Waxing Crescent Moon is the time when the first signs of light are returning after the Dark Moon. Similarly, Imbolc occurs as the first signs of life return, heralding the end of the cold, dark winter and the anticipation of the coming of Spring. It’s an exciting time when we are focused on preparing ourselves for what is to come at we enter the next phase of the cycle.


The First Quarter Moon appears half light and half dark. The Spring Equinox is also about the balance of light/dark. It is on this day (one of two per year) when the night and the day are exactly equal in length.


The Waxing Gibbous moon is almost full. It’s bright and beautiful, and represents a ripe, fertile woman soon to give birth. Beltane is a fertility festival that celebrates the union of the Goddess and God. At this time, all is growing and expanding, and the theme of is patience!


At the Summer Solstice, the sun is at it’s strongest, with the longest day and shortest night. The Full Moon is the moon at it’s strongest, radiating her light over the Earth all night long. This is the time when all of Nature is active and fully alive. It’s a time to take action, to celebrate, and joyfully appreciate the blessings in your life.


The Waning Gibbous (also called the Disseminating Moon) represents a need to pass on the wisdom and knowledge to those who will come after you. Lughnasad is the festival which represents the sacrifice of the Sun God, Lugh, and his need to pass on his essence by offering himself up for the survival of Humanity.


Once again, with the Last Quarter, the moon appears half light and half dark. The Autumn Equinox is the other time of the year when the night and day are exactly the same length. This is a time to give thanks, review the past year/moon cycle, and tie up loose ends.


Samhain is the time when we honor our ancestors and beloved dead. The Waning Crescent moon, which represents the Crone, is also a time of dying and letting go. Both are the most appropriate time for divination, as the veil is very thin and messages from the Spirit world can easily be received. This is the time to gain clarity before resting and then beginning the next phase.
Svo var ég að finna þessa síðu, ákvað að skella henni inná, virðist vera spennandi...Wink...http://www.sunreligion.net/


sæl að sinni...josira

p.s. velkomin(n) hér inná heimasíðu mína, sem er á ensku:


( gæti tekið smá tíma að hlaðast upp, ýmsar slóðir er þar að finna um ýmislegt )

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Vá þvílík breyting á síðunni þinni. Rosalega er ég ánægð með þig. Haltu áfram að lýsa upp veröld þína, og opna fyrir texta sem að kemur beint frá hjarta þínu.  Þar liggur þinn fjársjóður.

Knús og hlýjar kveðjur 

Sigga Svavars (IP-tala skráð) 15.11.2007 kl. 20:05

Bæta við athugasemd

Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.



Orðin... Pára með penna á óskrifað blað, orðin um hugann renna. Með suð í eyra ég skrifa það, sem ég fæ að heyra. Hvaðan þau koma veit ég ei, en í höfði mínu óma. Líkt og eilífðin, sem gefur frá sér tóna og um himnasali hljóma.

Lítil síða lítur dagssins ljós... Hér hef ég hugsað mér að skrifa um allt og ekkert ... eða bara það sem mig langar til hverju sinni ... Vertu velkomin(n) kæri ferðalangur... í heimsókn hingað, þar sem þú hefur nú fundið vegaslóðan minn litla, í netheiminum stóra ...


Lyngrósin Ljóðin mín

Josiraice youtube ljóð og tónlist

Rósin Eldri heimasíða, sem ég get ekki uppfært lengur, en læt hana fylgja hér með.  (Hún virkar einungis í gegnum Internet Explorer)

Light Bearer -poem - josira 

Guðrún Lilja; mánadísin, mín eldri dóttir og Ljóðin hennar

Nýjustu myndböndin




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